Monday 11 February 2013

Embarrassing Explanation

I realised that I forgot to mention the reason I’m writing in this blog. It’s not particularly flattering but you can read it anyway.
So, here it is:
I’m not very ‘techno-savvy’, as some youngsters put it. In fact, I first used a smartphone three years ago. Most teenagers or even younger have them now. Imagine that! A powerful mini-computer in our children’s hands from the age of six. It’s scary, but it’s happening.
I’m going off on a tangent, aren’t I?
Anyway. The reason I’m writing this blog.
Embarrassingly, during our office’s Christmas party, I’m sad to say that I got myself rather drunk and made a wager with some of my fellow workers. We were discussing online chatting and social networking websites. Our conversation went somewhat like this:
Me will represent myself, of course, and Friend will be for my friends.
Me: Social networking’s poisoning the minds of our children!
Friend: You worry too much.
Me: It’s giving them access to things that can really get them into serious trouble!
(I tend to get slightly verbally aggressive when I am in my cups)
Friend: Nonsense. Look, if you think these things are so harmful, why don’t you try them for yourself?
Me: I will not tarnish myself with this filth!
Friend: Have you… have you ever considered starting a blog, then?
Me: A blog? What are you, some Communist spy trying to rot my mind?
Friend: Oh, go on. Just try it, blogging for one month? I’ll make a bet on it, that you can’t last a month. Fifty pounds’ in it, good crisp money.
Here he took out four notes, two twenties and two fives. Of course I was rather insulted at the implication that I could not stick to something for a month. I took the deal and here we are.
So you see, it wasn’t just idle possibility that my ‘friends’ could have found this blog, although some ‘friends’ they are turning out to be. Honestly! Taking advantage of a drunk man. I suppose it’s my own fault for being so predictable. That party is the one time I get drunk every year.
Yours, rather annoyed,
- John Thomas
Office Secretary
Fieldworker Administrations 

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